The average house price on PINE ROAD is £2,150,145
The most expensive house in the street is LITTLE HAFTON PINE ROAD with an estimated value of £2,956,110
The cheapest house in the street is ASPEN HOUSE PINE ROAD with an estimated value of £1,564,555
The house which was most recently sold was PINE HOUSE PINE ROAD, this sold on 4 Jun 2010 for £950,000
The postcode for PINE ROAD is GU22 0DX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
ASPEN HOUSE PINE ROAD Detached £1,564,555 £675,000 4 Aug 2003
COLUMBYNE HOUSE PINE ROAD Detached , 331 m2 £1,764,198 £1,075,000 16 Feb 2007
FEATHERS PINE ROAD Detached £2,842,861 £1,350,000 25 Mar 2004
LITTLE HAFTON PINE ROAD Detached £2,956,110 £662,500 6 May 1999
PINE HOUSE PINE ROAD Detached , 223 m2 £1,623,002 £950,000 4 Jun 2010